7 research outputs found


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    When an institution needs to evaluate the teaching-learning process then it can be done evaluating the knowledge and skills acquired by the learners or by the self-evaluating the trainers from the students perspective. The qualifications in this context is the main measure to get the metric for evaluation. On the other hand, when there is not a need to acquire a specific knowledge or expertise but when the learners wants to continue learning because he/she enjoys it, wants to keep learning and being active or any other personal motivation, then evaluation becomes a big challenge. This is the case of seniors’ education (citizens over 65 or retired). Which metrics should be used when evaluating institution? how we can know if those institutions are doing the work correctly ? how can the institution increase the quality and effectiveness ? From this need the project QEduSen (supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission) produced an evaluation toolkit

    Personal development in the virtuality; online activities for individual and group growth

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    Ponència presentada a 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’17, Universitat Politècnica de València, València, 2017Online teaching is commonly offered for courses and it is aimed students acquire specific skills based on the subject requirements. Regarding soft-skills, collaborative and creative activities are usually deployed face-to-face in contrast to online environments, where communication, group dynamics and activities that require interactivity among the participants can be managed easier. Because of this we loose skills acquisition opportunities and other potential benefits of real collaboration mediated by on-line environments. We propose an ICT-based method appropriated for project-based learning, innovative teams and personal development. It has 7 phases and has been designed under the theories of field theories of humanism with the main aim to make possible that everybody in the on-line platform can grow and develop individually together with the group. Professor can apply this as a whole (the 7 phases) or some of them as we have related the phases with on-line tasks. We tested this method with a group of 17 post-graduate students. We concluded that when members have enough maturity and experience, these ICT-based-methods make shared learning possible, with great impact on the course skills and competences, but also on soft skills, which are acquired informally while learning the main course subject

    The robot programming network

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    The Robot Programming Network (RPN) is an initiative for creating a network of robotics education laboratories with remote programming capabilities. It consists of both online open course materials and online servers that are ready to execute and test the programs written by remote students. Online materials include introductory course modules on robot programming, mobile robotics and humanoids, aimed to learn from basic concepts in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to more advanced programming skills. The students have access to the online server hosts, where they submit and run their programming code on the fly. The hosts run a variety of robot simulation environments, and access to real robots can also be granted, upon successful achievement of the course modules. The learning materials provide step-by-step guidance for solving problems with increasing level of dif- ficulty. Skill tests and challenges are given for checking the success, and online competitions are scheduled for additional motivation and fun. Use of standard robotics middleware (ROS) allows the system to be extended to a large number of robot platforms, and connected to other existing tele-laboratories for building a large social network for online teaching of robotics.Support of IEEE RAS through the CEMRA program (Creation of Educational Material for Robotics and Automation) is gratefully acknowledged. This paper describes research done at the Robotic Intelligence Laboratory. Support for this laboratory is provided in part by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (DPI2011-27846), by Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/028) and by Universitat Jaume I (P1-1B2011-54)

    Las TIC como competencias básicas en la educación de personas mayores

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    [ES]Este capítulo presenta la experiencia y conocimientos adquiridos durante el curso ICT as a life skill for European adults and seniors realizada en Sastamala, Finlandia, en el marco del proyecto Erasmus+ TICTac+55. Presentamos el contexto social y educativo de Sastamala, y de cómo las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) forman parte del programa formativo de este centro de formación desde tres perspectivas diferente: contenido, metodología y efectos. Por ello, presentamos las observaciones realizadas; adopción de competencias TIC, herramientas educativas utilizadas para facilitar la educación de personas adultas y mayores en las modalidades a distancia o semipresencial, y sus efectos, tanto cognitivos como personales

    Mejora de la calidad de vida del mayor a través de la e-inclusión en la sociedad del conocimiento: propuesta de una intervención educativa

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    Las tecnologías de la información y comunicación son herramientas que nos ofrecen grandes posibilidades de comunicación y de acceso a la información, pero además, estas tecnologías hacen posible el cambio hacia la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento. Las personas mayores (de 55 años) están usando y accediendo cada vez más a internet, pero estar incluido en la sociedad del conocimiento presenta otras características, ventajas y riesgos diferentes del simple uso de una herramienta; nos propone una forma de acceder, crear conocimiento y organizarse que trasciende del medio tradicional y también de las potencialidades que estábamos acostumbrados. Esta e-inclusión plantea por tanto todo un reto en cuanto que es necesaria una adaptación y adquirir nuevas aptitudes, es necesaria por tanto una intervención educativa específica, todo esto en un grupo social que posee necesidades específicas y que en este artículo se contextualizan alrededor del posible impacto en su bienestar y calidad de vida. Basándose en la experiencia de la Universitat per a Majors, este artículo pretende proponer una intervención educativa que favorezca la e-inclusión de los mayores en la sociedad del conocimiento

    Non-Practical ICT Courses for Seniors for a Comprehensive Involvement to Provide a Global Understanding of the Knowledge Society

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    AbstractWhen teaching Information and Communication Technology (ICT), subjects related to learning computer skills, using Internet, and other software programs usually spring to mind. Because society is increasingly using technology to share, learn, create, socialize, access services, etc., it seems obvious to teach how to use this technology. This computer mediated society is known as the Knowledge Society. The Senior Citizens’ University initially wanted its learners (people over 55 years old) to benefit from computers and Internet, but this has proved insufficient on its own. Senior learners also need to be aware of the possibilities that the net offers them and their of new role in the Knowledge Society; how they can participate, how they can have an impact on and construct the future of the network, and the importance, potentialities, impact and risks of new aspects that arise in the Knowledge Society: identity, inclusion, publishing, new media, power, creating, using content, etc. To achieve such competence, theoretical ICT subjects had to be offered to all senior learners, even those who were not keen to learn about technology. In this article we detail the content of these courses and the impact they had on learners